Spiritual Direction
In contemporary American culture, it is rare to find a person who feels like they are truly listened to or heard by enough others in their life. We yearn to share ourselves in a deep and personal way. Spiritual Directors International defines spiritual direction as “a particular practice of deep listening that is informed by a contemplative way in the world”. In Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction, the Rev. Margaret Guenther writes, “In this covenanted relationship the director has agreed to put himself aside so that his total attention can be focused on the person sitting in the other chair.” People who seek out a spiritual director generally want someone to companion them as they seek balance and wholeness in their lives as well as help in noticing God’s movements and interactions.
Spiritual direction is offered as part of our work at The Abbey on Lovers Lane. All of the spiritual directors have completed an extensive training program, and they are active in supervision where experienced supervisors meet with them as directors regularly for accountability and honing of their companioning skills. Safe-guarding is also practiced in spiritual direction as well as all other activities at The Abbey.
Generally, people meet with a spiritual director once a month for about an hour. However, if a directee is in a crisis or in the midst of a crucial life decision, the direction time or frequency might increase temporarily. Spiritual direction is offered at The Abbey through several different individuals and is fee-based (scaled on ability-to-pay and agreed on between the directee and the individual spiritual director).
For more information on spiritual direction, you can read an article by Marcia Hotchkiss, The Abbeys program director, entitled “Holy Listening” or consult Spiritual Directors International website.
Abbey Spiritual Directors
Marcia Hotchkiss trained at Heart Paths DFW, one of the oldest training programs for spiritual directors in the state of Texas. Her three-year training included a practicum year with several directees. Marcia has been doing spiritual direction since 2016 both in-person and virtually. Marcia participates monthly in a supervision group for spiritual directors where her skills as a spiritual companion are honed and sharpened. She also is a member of Spiritual Directors International and keeps current in the field by participating in their workshops and conferences. Marcia is the Events Chair of Spiritual Ministries Institute in the DFW area and is involved in all of their events that promote contemplative spirituality and provide continuing education for spiritual directors. She has been teaching Christian formation for 30 years and is an author and retreat speaker on various spiritual topics.
Bishop Michael Smith has served as a pastor in the Episcopal Church for thirty years. Post-semiretirement, he has been especially interested in the inner life of the Christian contemplative journey for himself and in the lives of other ordinary Christians. He holds a master’s degree in social work and began to see clients for the purpose of spiritual direction/soul friendship in 2018. He has received training in spiritual direction from St. John’s School of Theology and Seminary and is in the process of completing the Holy Conversations course of the Anglican Diocese in New England. Bishop Smith co-facilitates the Ascetical Theology and Spiritual Practices course for the Stanton Center for Ministry Formation and is a Benedictine oblate.